Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) welcomed initiatives in Budget 2019 that will help make the value-chain more competitive, including the exemption of farm fuel bought at cardlocks from the carbon price, investments in rural broadband, and a commitment to reform the Canada Grain Act and the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC).
“We are pleased that the Government continues to respond to concerns raised by farmers,” said Jeff Nielsen, GGC Chair. “We wish the Government had gone further and exempted all fuels used in grain farming from the carbon price, but this is another step in the right direction, and we look forward to continuing to work with the Government to get further exemptions for the sector.”
In Budget 2019, the Government has committed to reforming the Canada Grain Act and the operations of the Canadian Grain Commission. GGC has long called for reform of the Act and the CGC and will work with the Government to ensure that the consultations on reform lead to real changes that make it more competitive and more profitable to be a grain farmer in Canada.
GGC was also pleased to see investment of up to $1.7B over 13 years for rural and remote broadband and the commitment to release an agri-food regulatory reform roadmap. These initiatives will make it easier to do business as a grain farmer.
“Grain farmers know they can make their money from the marketplace and we will continue to support all efforts to reduce the cost of doing business in Canada and to expand new markets,” added Mr. Nielsen. “Grain farmers welcome these incremental steps in the right direction.”
Grain farmers also took note of the announcement of the Government’s intention to move forward with a Food Policy. GGC will continue to work with the Government to ensure that the Food Policy reflects the realities of 65,000 grain farmers across Canada.
Source: news