Grain Growers of Canada (GGC), on behalf of its 65,000-grain farmer members across Canada, would like to congratulate Justin Trudeau and the elected Liberal minority government. GGC looks forward to working together to ensure federal decisions are made with Canadian farmers and their families in mind.

“Grain farmers appreciate Mr Trudeau and his government’s recognition that the Canadian economy, as a whole, benefits from a strong agriculture sector,” said GGC Chair Jeff Nielsen. “We are eager to get down to work and ensure that our sector realizes its full growth potential.”

This is a critical time for farmers and for our industry. As we face challenges to our sector, GGC has and will continue to call on the federal government to be a willing partner and demonstrate a commitment to standing up for Canadian agriculture.

GGC Chair Jeff Nielsen: “We are eager to get down to work and ensure that our sector realizes its full growth potential.” Courtesy of Linkedin

During the election cycle, all parties recognized the importance of strong, bankable risk management programs for farmers. The Liberal Party platform has pledged to increase federal support for these programs, which is critical to protect Canadian farmers and their families from risks beyond their control. GGC advocate for these commitments to be treated with urgency. This is an opportunity for all parties to work together in a collaborative and constructive way on behalf of our agricultural sector.

On the trade front, farmers continue to face significant challenges accessing key markets around the world. A rules-based trading system is needed to ensure that Canadian farmers have fair and predictable access to the international marketplace. This is why GGC was encouraged to see a commitment from the Liberal Party to increase support for the World Trade Organization. Canadian farmers, in particular, have been affected by recent international trade disputes. This commitment, coupled with new investments to promote Canada’s global brand, is a step in the right direction. GGC continues its work with the federal government to develop a strategy to address the challenges facing Canadian farmers in key markets around the world.

During the campaign, Mr Trudeau also committed to increase collaboration between Canadian scientists, researchers and innovators in G7 countries and advanced economies. GGC supports a rigorous, science-based, evidence-based and risk-based regulatory system that protects human health and the environment and enables reliable access to crop protection products. As reflected in the Liberal Party platform, this promise of open collaboration is a step toward achieving these objectives while increasing alignment with our trading partners.

“The Liberal government of the past four years had demonstrated measurable progress towards the growth of the agri-food sector,” added Nielsen. “Now, with a renewed mandate, GGC stands ready and willing to work with Mr Trudeau’s government as they redouble their efforts to help farmers and the industry achieve long-term success.”

Grain Growers of Canada provides a strong national voice for over 65,000 active and successful grain, oilseed and pulse producers through its 16 provincial, regional and national grower groups. The mission and mandate are to pursue a policy environment that maximizes global competitiveness and to influence federal policy on behalf of independent Canadian grain farmers and their associations.

Source: Grain Growers of Canada