California Governor Gavin Newsom appointed California Grocers Association President and CEO Ron Fong to serve on his bi-partisan Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery, responsible with helping plan the state’s economic recovery following the financial calamity resulting from COVID-19.

     I am extremely honored to participate on this very impressive and diverse task force that gives the grocery industry a seat at the table as we work to get our state economy up and running again.  I look forward to collaborating with thought leaders from throughout California as we develop recommendations for both government and business to help revive our economy and guide the state back toward economic growth and recovery.

Fong said.

California’s grocery industry is one of the state’s largest employers, employing more than 350,000 Californians.

The 80-member task force is co-chaired by former U.S. presidential candidate and billionaire philanthropist Tom Steyer and Gov. Newsom’s Chief of Staff Ann O’Leary, and includes representatives from business, labor, environment, social justice, state legislature and four former California governors.

“This is a tremendous honor for our industry to be represented on this task force; this pandemic has hit families and businesses in ways none of us could have ever imagined. Ron is uniquely positioned to add a valuable perspective as he represents California’s grocery Industry which sits squarely on the front lines of helping keep families feed and energized as we collectively navigate through this crisis.”

said CGA chair Phil Miller, C&S Wholesale Grocers.

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Source: California Grocers Association