Fev begins operations at the world’s largest development and test center for high voltage batteries

350 kN Shaker with climate hood Source: FEV Group
  • The development center (eDLP), which is located in the triangle between Halle, Dessau and Leipzig, includes state-of-the-art test technologies designed for all standardized and client-specific test requirements for high-voltage battery systems.
  • In addition to enabling all developmental tests to be conducted in one place, the 350 kN shaker with climate hood provides another globally unique feature of the testing facility. The shaker enables combined mechanical and electrical tests in ambient conditions ranging from -40 to 100°C.
  • With this investment, FEV affirms its commitment to Germany as a business location and sets its sights on the future of mobility..


In the third quarter of 2020, FEV will finalize the commissioning of a state-of-the-art development and test center (eDLP) for high-voltage batteries for passenger and commercial vehicles at the Sandersdorf-Brehna location. The 12,000 square meter complex contains facilities for the electrical testing of both modules and complete high-voltage batteries. This includes a test chamber volume of approximately 600 m³, distributed over 54 climatic chambers with an electrical output of 30,000 kW. The new development center will thus have the largest operational, independent battery testing facility in the world. Systems for validating all (international) environmental and mechanical tests, as well as four bunkers will be installed. A fire hall for abuse tests, along with an associated disassembly and diagnosis workshop complete the spectrum. Together, these facilities cover every evaluation necessary for series production. The state of Saxony-Anhalt funded the project with over EUR 6 million.

“This strategic investment will enable us to offer our customers a globally unique development service for passenger and commercial vehicles at one location. All common test methods for batteries are covered – in life expectancy, environmental and transport tests, as well as crash safety for cells, modules and packs”

said Professor Stefan Pischinger, President & CEO of the FEV Group.

The energy required to test components is provided almost entirely by power generated from renewable resources. Essential for this is a roof area of 12,000 m², fully covered by photovoltaic panels with an output capacity of over 900 kWp. “The facility therefore operates in a climate-friendly manner using a zero CO2 emissions approach,” added Pischinger.

With the opening of the eDLP, FEV is expanding its development expertise for future mobility at the Sandersdorf-Brehna location. The seven pure-electric and more than ten hybrid powertrain test rigs in the nearby continuous testing center (DLP), only 9 km away, complement FEV’s full service in electromobility development. With this investment, the Central German Metropolitan Region will also benefit from FEV’s global growth, as the Managing Directors of the eDLP, Dr. Christoph Szasz and Hans-Dieter Sonntag, emphasized:

“The opening of this battery development center created almost 100 new jobs, strengthening FEV’s position as an important employer in Saxony-Anhalt with a total of around 350 employees.”

Source: Fev