ARA Supports NEPA Reforms to Speed Up Rural Infrastructure Projects

The Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) supports reforms made to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) announced in the final rule today.

ARA President and CEO Daren Coppock released the following statement:

“The final rule will speed up the approval process for much-needed infrastructure projects, which will especially benefit the rural communities in which ag retailers and their customers live and work.”

“The rule does not compromise environmental reviews or public input, in fact the rule will enhance the public’s involvement through better coordination of hearings and more concise, accessible documents for review.”

ARA was part of the Unlock American Investment Coalition composed of 50 organizations in total. On March 10, ARA signed comments from the coalition in support of this Council on Environmental Quality’s proposed rule to reform and modernize NEPA.

Source: Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA)