Wheat Growers announced a submission to the PMRA’s review of the Pest Control Products Act

The Western Canadian Wheat Growers have made their submission to the Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s review of the Pest Control Products Act. Canada’s pesticide regulatory system is one of the most robust science-based regulatory systems in the world. Reviews of our regulatory systems should be done on a regular basis to ensure that the systems remain current and strong.

On August 4, 2021, the federal government paused a decision that put the science-based decision-making process on food security in jeopardy through political interference.

“We believe the Pest Control Products Act is fit for purpose and that added improvements and regulatory modernization can be achieved via updated guidance documents and internal policy implementation”

stated Gunter Jochum, President.

“We would support PMRA Program renewal with more transparent decision-making, more predictable risk assessment and the ability to bring in data earlier rather than modelling worst case scenarios. Science-based decisions must be the final recommendations, and not interfered with by politicians or bureaucrats”

continued Jim Wickett, Secretary-Treasurer.

“The establishment of independent external advisors to essentially oversee the work of the PMRA is foolhardy at best and dangerous at worst. Such proposed changes could have a dramatic impact over how pesticides will be reviewed and administered in Canada over a long period of time”

closed Daryl Fransoo, Chair.

Source: Western Canadian Wheat Growers