The company has created a special discussion series available online beginning April 13, Forging the Future of the Farm & Food Chain. This free, on-demand series features experts from around the world as they share their insights into how the global pandemic is affecting the agriculture industry’s present and future.
“We created this series as an expression of our support for this community. In addition to offering valuable information and insights in the context of this COVID challenge, we hope to deliver inspiration — we have an opportunity in this moment to, together, shape the future of the farm and food chain.”
said Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech.
The series consists of presentations from Lyons and three-panel discussions with experts including David McWilliams, economist, and professor at Trinity College Dublin; Jessica Adelman, CEO of ESG Results and a former executive at Kroger; Jack Bobo, futurist and CEO of Futurity; and Ryan Quarles, Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture.
To access the Forging the Future of the Farm & Food Chain series on-demand, visit That special COVID-19 discussion series includes:
Cultivating Optimism & Opportunity: Leadership in Times of Crisis
How can leaders bring certainty in a time of uncertainty? How can they help their teams think proactively in order to discover opportunity and drive innovation?
From the Frontlines of Food Production
This panel discussion takes a first-hand look at the experiences of those working within the food/feed sector in the midst of COVID-19.
The Post-COVID Consumer: A Remaking of the Market?
This panel discussion features an investigation into the lasting impact COVID-19 could have on consumers and the global economy.
Keep Calm & Carry On: The Essential Business of Agriculture
Experts investigate how the current crisis is reshaping the agriculture sector.
Planet of Plenty in a Post-COVID World
In the midst of this COVID crisis, the global agriculture community has carried on its essential work — rising with the sun no matter the circumstance.
This COVID-19 special series reflects the insightful, thought-provoking content that will be available as part of the Alltech ONE Virtual Experience beginning on May 18, 2020.
The virtual program will include live-streamed keynote presentations and on-demand video content from some of the world’s leading industry experts as they address the challenges and opportunities facing agriculture today.

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