Deutz Welcomes New Minority Shareholder

Deutz was notified that Ardan Livvey Investors B.V., a private investment boutique headquartered in Amsterdam (Netherlands), had completed the acquisition of a minority stake of 3.9% in DEUTZ AG.

One of the reasons cited by Ardan Livvey was that Deutz occupies an excellent strategic position with regard to the trends of electrification, alternative drive systems, and more efficient machinery. It is thus well placed to benefit from further change within the industry. This view is shared by the management team, and the Board of Management, therefore, welcomes any new investor that wishes to support Deutz as it pursues this strategy.

Ardan Livvey also said that it had identified as yet unused opportunities to create value for investors.

Deutz is receptive to all constructive suggestions on the company’s future development. The Board of Management has therefore contacted the investor in order to establish a dialog.