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Tag: magna tyres

Magna Tyres announces the launch of the 29.5R25 Magna M-Terrain E4/L4. This site has been part of the immensely popular Magna M-Terrain line-up for many years, but will from now on also be produced in our factory in the...
Magna Tyres Group has announced the appointment of Ryan Cusick as Sales Manager of its US office. With Ryan on board, Magna Tyres can focus even more on the brand presence, the distribution network and relationship with current and...
After years of research and hours of technical analysis, Magna Tyres managed to launch its first-ever “3-star” rigid dump truck tire. The 24.00R35 has been added to the Magna MA04+ line-up and will be available in the 3*** versions in...
It is with pride as well as excitement that we announce the launch of the Magna AG23. Not only is this tyre special because of its high performance and craftmanship, it is also special due to its...