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Tag: pandemic

Rolls-Royce business unit Power Systems ends the year 2021 with a satisfactory growth in profits despite the pandemic. The underlying profit of £242 million significantly increased, moving towards the same level as in pre-pandemic 2019. At the same time,...
The coronavirus pandemic has widely affected the U.S. economy, including the farm sector and farm households. Farm businesses have experienced disruptions to production because of lowered availability of labor and other inputs, and reductions in output prices resulting from...
From the very onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, JCB took a proactive approach to protect their employees and continues to do so with extraordinary measures. “Out of concern for our employees and as the situation changed,...
Farm Credit West, ACA recently announced the Board of Directors has voted to distribute a patronage dividend to customer-owners equal to 150 basis points (bps) or 1.50% of eligible average outstanding loan balances in 2020. This patronage dividend includes...
Richard Restuccia, water manager of Jain, write a new blog post about the water crisis. Here is the full-text Mark Cuban has some good advice for all the business people dealing with the coronavirus pandemic: “Make use of whatever down-time you...
Marking another industry first for autonomous haulage, mining companies have now hauled more than three billion metric tons of materials leveraging Komatsu’s FrontRunner Autonomous Haulage System (AHS). Today’s FrontRunner system operates around the clock, hauling copper, iron ore, oil sands,...
The American Farm Bureau Federation released its final report on priorities for milk pricing reform, calling for more democracy and a more equitable program for dairy farmers. Among AFBF's priorities is amending the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act to give dairy...